Can You Pass The Fridge Test?

Maggie K.
2 min readJun 20, 2021
A sun drenched kitchen with tile flooring & walls.

I am not creative.

A travesty of a statement. But one I hear often from women who haven’t yet explored their own epic story.

And what they really mean is, I am not creative enough. Not like my sister-in-law who creates sculptures from recycled materials, or my friend who…

This is where I usually stop them.

At its most basic level, being creative simply means to create something. And, spoiler alert, you are *constantly* creating a life that is unique to you.

Here’s where we come to the fridge test.

The fridge test asks you three questions.

Question One. What’s on your refrigerator door?

You see your fridge door every day. You are constantly creating a story on that smooth surface, sometimes weekly, as you add or take away or forget items.

But when was the last time you really noticed what was on that door? Go on and take a look.

Question Two. What story does your refrigerator door tell about who you are?

Pretend you are a stranger walking through your kitchen. (In a non-creepy way.) Think about what they would think about you just seeing your fridge door.

Does your fridge express the value you place on family and friendship? Is it cluttered with photographs of family and friends and save-the-dates?

Does your fridge share your passion for adventure? Is it covered in magnets and postcards from places you’ve traveled to or experiences you love to remember?

Does your fridge represent the peace and focus you seek in life? Is it a surface clean and free from decoration? Maybe a printed-out meal plan?

Question Three. Do you like the story you’re telling?

If the answer is no, you haven’t passed the fridge test. And it doesn’t stop there. Because the fridge test isn’t just applicable in the kitchen.

You can ask these same questions about all the ways you express who you are.

  • The colors and styles of the wardrobe you wear.
  • Your Instagram feed.
  • The playlists you create for road trips.
  • Your computer screen background.
  • Your Amazon purchase history.
  • The slogans on your coffee cup.
  • The brand of makeup you wear.
  • The punctuation of your emails.

We often forget the power of our own story and creativity. We don’t notice or appreciate the story we are living & expressing.

And yet we are constantly telling our story daily. And I’m guessing yours is a really good one.



Maggie K.

Writer, filmmaker, creator of the Healthy Hero Project. Your new place to nerd out on writing & wellness. Find your Hero Type: